Sunday, 10 March 2013

Mothers Day.

I've been thinking of my own Mum even more than usual today. I suppose its only to be expected, but today it seems to have been harder than other years, all except for the first Mothers Day without her. I don't understand why this year should be worse than others and I wish someone could explain. Im not very good at not understanding. There is a reason for everything and if I understood, then maybe it would help.
I am though, extremely blessed to have two fantastic children who remembered me today. I was brought coffee and toast in bed this morning by Sarah, and a lovely gift of a rosette die for my craft and the most lovely red vase for my kitchen. Beautiful. Nicholas visited a couple of times during the day, at meal times of course, bringing some coffee beans and lovely flowers as my real present hasn't yet arrived. To my great surprise I also recieved a message from someone else this evening, hoping that I have had a good day. I am sure he would be horrified if I mentioned him by name in my blog, but if he ever reads this (although no one actually knows I have a blog! so there's not much chance) he will know how thrilled I was. It was such a lovely thing to do and yes I did have a little cry! If you knew me that wouldn't surprise you at all. In fact my son, having been asked to describe me in three words, once said that I was,Clean..Weepy...and Nice. I'm still not quite sure how to take his description.
Well that's it for today. Some photos of my cards and presents follow as well as an update on Myfanwy. I'm not totally convinced on how she looks but for now....

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