Sunday, 17 February 2013


It's been just over a week since my last blog. I have no excuse, it's just because I feel so tired. When I have had time to sit with a coffee or watch anything on the television I could have been blogging, after all that's what I would normally do, but not this week. Instead I have had to try really hard to keep myself awake! I don't know what's wrong with me. Oh well I am sure normal service will resumed soon. Whatever normal is.
Once again not an awful lot has happened to actually write about. My normal routine of household chores has taken up most of my time, along with that of Auntie Joan's. I need to find the time to tidy up my craft room as it is very untidy and needs some organisation. Hopefully that will be done at some point this week. Sarah and I also need to do some decorating, as I would really like to get the house up to scratch before the weather starts to get a little better and the garden needs attention. I suppose if I was honest, the garden already needs attention but I'm more of a fair weather gardener, I hate to be cold.
I am enjoying my photo a day challenge more and more. Even the family ask what the word or phrase of the day is and try to help with ideas. Some days this week have been quite straight forward, or maybe it's because I have taken them to literally and not tried to think outside the box. Inside the fridge for instance or where you had lunch. Simple, at the kitchen table! Not very exciting is it? Saturdays though, that was a different matter. The subject was "perfect" . Once again I couldn't think of a way to interpret this differently or with a real meaning. Until we took Riley and Dillan for a walk. On Tuesday Riley had been back to Taunton for another chemo injection and a check up. We had noticed that each day since, he has picked up a little more and started to do little things that he hadn't done for about two months or more. Our walk on Saturday turned into the best walk yet. In fact Riley just wanted to run. He was very upbeat and with a wagging tail there was no mistaking the fact hat he was enjoying being out in the fresh air on a lovely sunny day. It was such a perfect moment. By the time we got home Riley was shattered but I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
We've sorted out the garage at the office so hopefully we will find a charity to collect some furniture this week. At least someone may be able to make some money from it as its far too good to throw away.
Tomorrow is Monday, the start of a new working week. What will it bring? Who knows, but its not long until we all find out.

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