I have decided to write a blog to document my life and hopefully make some new friends in the process. It could all turn out to be a complete disaster though as I am not good with computers and only just manage emails and photographs!
I'm not sure what I can actually write about, as nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen in my life, although when I stop and think about my family, friends, places I have been and things I have seen, I know that I have been blessed, You will probably get to know about my family and all the things I love to do (when I get the chance) as well as the everyday routine that we all live by. I hope to learn to post photos that will help to tell my story, as well as allow me to indulge in my passion on a more daily basis. Photography, along with crafts of all sorts are my greatest hobbies so will probably feature quite heavily. Is that good or bad?
What to say about today? My first blog! It has been a strange day. I dont seem to have accomplished an awful lot. That happens more often than not when my son Nicholas has a day off and its a weekday rather than a Saturday. He is very good and will take me to do any jobs that myself or any of the older members of the family need to have done for them. Today it was banking and a little shopping then to buy Neils birthday present. Neil is my husband and although its not his birthday for another few weeks, I needed some help. I don't drive and wasn't sure when I would get another chance to go and buy his present. Anyway thats a story and photo for another day.

We love you Lucy.